URF Tier List – League of Legends

URF Tier List – League of Legends: A Guide to the Best Champions

URF mode is an exciting and fast-paced game mode in League of Legends where players can pick their favorite champions and experience unique gameplay mechanics. In URF mode, all champions have increased movement speed, cooldown reduction, and no mana or energy costs, making it a thrilling and fast-paced experience. This mode is known for its chaotic and fun gameplay that is loved by many League of Legends players.

As with any other game mode, some champions are better suited to URF mode than others. In this article, we’ll explore the best champions to pick in URF mode and give you a comprehensive URF Tier List.

S-Tier Champions:

S-Tier champions are considered the best champions in URF mode due to their strong abilities, mobility, and high damage output. They can dominate the game and are often banned in URF mode.

  1. Yuumi – The Magical Cat

Yuumi is a support champion that is almost impossible to catch due to her high mobility and ability to attach to an ally. She can also deal high damage with her Q and ultimate ability, making her a strong pick in URF mode.

  1. Ekko – The Boy Who Shattered Time

Ekko is a high-mobility assassin champion with strong burst damage and the ability to heal himself. In URF mode, his ultimate ability has an extremely low cooldown, allowing him to escape almost any situation and re-engage quickly.

  1. Sona – Maven of the Strings

Sona is a support champion with powerful abilities that can heal, shield, and speed up allies. In URF mode, she can spam her abilities endlessly, making her an essential pick for any team.

  1. Zed – The Master of Shadows

Zed is an assassin champion with high mobility and the ability to deal massive damage. In URF mode, he can spam his abilities and use his ultimate to quickly burst down enemies.

  1. Kassadin – The Void Walker

Kassadin is a high-mobility mage assassin with a powerful shield and the ability to deal massive damage. In URF mode, his ultimate ability has an extremely low cooldown, allowing him to quickly move around the map and deal damage to enemies.

A-Tier Champions:

A-Tier champions are strong picks in URF mode, but not as dominant as S-Tier champions. They can still deal significant damage and contribute to the team’s success.

  1. Zoe – The Aspect of Twilight

Zoe is a burst mage champion with strong poke and mobility. In URF mode, she can spam her abilities and move around the map quickly with her ultimate ability.

  1. Seraphine – The Starry-Eyed Songstress

Seraphine is a support mage champion with powerful abilities that can heal, shield, and stun enemies. In URF mode, she can spam her abilities and deal significant damage while keeping her allies alive.

  1. Vayne – The Night Hunter

Vayne is a marksman champion with high mobility and the ability to deal significant damage to enemies. In URF mode, she can spam her abilities and kite enemies while dealing damage from a safe distance.

  1. Talon – The Blade’s Shadow

Talon is an assassin champion with high mobility and the ability to quickly burst down enemies. In URF mode, he can use his abilities to quickly engage and disengage from fights while dealing significant damage.

  1. Riven – The Exile

Riven is a fighter champion with strong crowd control and mobility. In URF mode, she can use her abilities to quickly engage and disengage from fights while dealing significant damage and crowd control to enemies.

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