7DS Tier List: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Heroes in Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is a turn-based RPG that has captured the hearts of anime fans and mobile gamers alike. With a vast roster of characters to choose from, players have the opportunity to build their own dream team of heroes to take on the game’s challenges. However, not all heroes are created equal, and some stand out above the rest. In this guide, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive tier list of the best heroes in Seven Deadly Sins.
S Tier: The Best of the Best
The heroes in this tier are considered the cream of the crop. They excel in all aspects of the game and can carry your team through even the toughest of battles.
- Red Escanor – A true powerhouse, Red Escanor boasts an incredible ATK stat that can dish out massive damage. His Ultimate Move, “Cruel Sun,” deals immense damage and inflicts a powerful debuff that lowers the enemy’s defenses.
- Blue Lilia – Blue Lilia is a versatile hero that can both deal and mitigate damage. Her “Deceitful Thorn” skill deals massive damage to all enemies and inflicts a powerful debuff that lowers their ATK.
- Red Gowther – Red Gowther is a support hero that specializes in debuffing enemies and buffing allies. His “Break” skill inflicts a powerful debuff that lowers the enemy’s resistance to attacks, making them more vulnerable to damage.
- Green Merlin – Green Merlin is a must-have support hero for any team. Her “Perfect Cube” skill is a powerful shield that can protect your team from even the strongest attacks, while her “Trick Star” skill increases the damage output of your team.
A Tier: Great Heroes
The heroes in this tier are still incredibly strong and are great additions to any team.
- Green Escanor – Green Escanor is a solid pick for any team that needs a strong attacker. His “Sunshine” skill boosts his ATK stat and grants him immunity to debuffs.
- Red Derieri – Red Derieri is a fantastic attacker that can deal massive damage to enemies. Her “Combination” skill inflicts a powerful debuff that lowers the enemy’s resistance to attacks, making them more vulnerable to damage.
- Green Ban – Green Ban is a versatile hero that can both deal and mitigate damage. His “Snatch” skill steals the enemy’s HP and increases his own, while his “Hunter Fest” skill deals massive damage to all enemies.
- Blue King – Blue King is a great support hero that can heal your team and debuff your enemies. His “Chastiefol Form Two” skill heals your team and removes debuffs, while his “Pollution” skill inflicts a powerful debuff that lowers the enemy’s resistance to attacks.
B Tier: Good Heroes
The heroes in this tier are still good picks for your team, but they may not have the same impact as those in the higher tiers.
- Blue Diane – Blue Diane is a solid pick for any team that needs a tank. Her “Heavy Metal” skill boosts her DEF stat and grants her immunity to debuffs.
- Green Escanor – Green Escanor is a solid pick for any team that needs a strong attacker. His “Sunshine” skill boosts his ATK stat and grants him immunity to debuffs.
- Blue Gowther – Blue Gowther is a support hero that can debuff enemies and buff allies. His “Critical Over” skill inflicts a powerful debuff that lowers the enemy’s Crit Chance, making them less likely to land critical hits.