Best Cross-platform multiplayer games for Android

As mobile gaming becomes increasingly popular, cross-platform multiplayer games are gaining more attention from gamers worldwide. These games not only provide endless hours of entertainment but also allow players to interact with friends across different operating systems. In this post, we’ll look at some of the best cross-platform multiplayer games for Android.

1. Among Us

Among Us is a fun and addictive social deduction game that can be played with up to 10 players. The game takes place in a spaceship where players take on different roles, such as crewmates and impostors. The goal of the game is to identify and eliminate the impostors while completing tasks to maintain the spaceship’s operations. The game’s simple graphics and gameplay mechanics make it accessible to players of all ages.

Official Download Link: Among Us

2. Minecraft

Minecraft is a sandbox-style game that allows players to build and explore virtual worlds. The game can be played in survival or creative mode, with the former requiring players to gather resources and fend off monsters to survive. Minecraft’s cross-platform compatibility enables players to join each other’s worlds regardless of the platform they are playing on, providing endless possibilities for gameplay.

Official Download Link: Minecraft

3. PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is a popular battle royale game that has garnered a massive following since its release. The game pits players against each other on a deserted island, where they must scavenge for weapons and supplies to survive. The last player or team standing wins the game. The game’s cross-platform compatibility allows players to team up with friends playing on different platforms, providing a seamless experience.

Official Download Link: PUBG Mobile

4. Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a multiplayer strategy game that requires players to build and defend their own castles while attacking others. Players collect cards to unlock new characters and upgrades to improve their castle defenses. The game’s real-time multiplayer matches make it engaging and addictive, and cross-platform compatibility ensures that players can compete against each other regardless of the platform they are using.

Official Download Link: Clash Royale

5. Call of Duty: Mobile

Call of Duty: Mobile is a first-person shooter game that brings the iconic Call of Duty franchise to mobile devices. The game features a variety of game modes, including team deathmatch, battle royale, and more. The game’s cross-platform compatibility allows players to team up with friends across different platforms and compete against each other in multiplayer matches.

Official Download Link: Call of Duty: Mobile


Cross-platform multiplayer games offer an excellent way to connect with friends and family and have fun together, regardless of the platform they are using. The games listed above are some of the best cross-platform multiplayer games available on Android, and they provide endless hours of entertainment for players of all ages. Download one of these games and start playing with your friends today!

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