The Interact Family Computer, also known as the Interton VC 4000, was a home video game console released in 1978. Here are some of the best games for the console along with their features, pros and cons, and official website links:
- Space Force Features: A space shooter game that takes place in a scrolling starfield. The player must defend their spaceship against enemy attacks and collect power-ups to upgrade their weapons. Pros: Simple and addictive gameplay. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Super Soccer Features: A soccer game that allows players to choose from six different teams and compete in a two-player mode. Pros: Fun for multiplayer mode. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Shark Attack Features: A simple game in which the player controls a swimmer who must avoid getting eaten by a shark. Pros: Easy to understand and play. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Pinball Features: A classic pinball game with realistic physics and sound effects. Pros: Fun and addictive gameplay. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Space Invaders Features: A classic arcade game in which the player must defend their spaceship from alien attacks. Pros: Fun and addictive gameplay. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Circus Features: A game that involves juggling various objects such as balls, clubs, and rings. Pros: Unique gameplay. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Auto Race Features: A simple racing game in which the player must navigate their car around a track while avoiding other cars and obstacles. Pros: Fun and challenging gameplay. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Basketball Features: A basketball game in which players can control one of two teams and compete against each other. Pros: Fun for multiplayer mode. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Pac-Man Features: A classic arcade game in which the player controls Pac-Man as he navigates a maze and eats dots while avoiding ghosts. Pros: Fun and addictive gameplay. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
- Space War Features: A game in which players control spaceships and must shoot each other down. Pros: Fun for multiplayer mode. Cons: Limited variation in gameplay and graphics. Official website link: N/A
Note: The Interact Family Computer was a relatively obscure console, and many of its games are not well-documented online. As a result, official website links for these games may not be available.