Best MSX Games

The MSX system was a popular home computer system in the 1980s and early 1990s. Here are some of the best MSX games:

  1. Metal Gear – This classic stealth game by Hideo Kojima was originally released on the MSX in 1987. It features solid gameplay mechanics, memorable characters, and an engaging story.
  2. Gradius – This shoot ’em up game by Konami was originally released on the MSX in 1986. It features fast-paced gameplay, challenging levels, and memorable bosses.
  3. Nemesis 3: The Eve of Destruction – This shoot ’em up game by Konami was originally released on the MSX in 1988. It features impressive graphics and sound, varied levels, and challenging gameplay.
  4. Knightmare – This action-adventure game by Konami was originally released on the MSX in 1986. It features a unique top-down perspective, challenging puzzles, and memorable boss battles.
  5. The Maze of Galious – This action-adventure game by Konami was originally released on the MSX in 1987. It features open-world exploration, challenging puzzles, and a variety of enemies and bosses.


  • The MSX had a large library of games, with many classic titles that are still popular today.
  • The system was known for its high-quality graphics and sound.
  • The MSX had a strong community of developers and fans, which helped to create a thriving ecosystem of games and software.


  • The MSX was not as widely adopted as other home computer systems, so some games may be harder to find.
  • The system’s hardware was not as powerful as other home computer systems of the time, which limited the types of games that could be developed for it.
  • Some games may be difficult to play without knowledge of the Japanese language, as many MSX games were only released in Japan.

Official website: There is no official MSX website, but there are many fan sites and forums dedicated to the system and its games.

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