Nexus Blitz Tier List

Nexus Blitz Tier List for League of Legends: Ranking the Best Champions and Rewards.

If you’re a fan of League of Legends, you might have come across Nexus Blitz, an experimental game mode that has captured the hearts of many gamers worldwide. Initially released in 2018 for a limited time, Nexus Blitz returned for its second run in 2019 but was removed from the game. However, Riot Games gave in to the players’ demands and brought it back once more in 2020 with several changes to make it more exciting.

In this article, we’ll dive into the Nexus Blitz Tier List, ranking the champions based on their strength and usefulness in the game mode. We’ll also explore the various events and rewards you can expect in Nexus Blitz.

Nexus Blitz Tier List

Let’s look at the Nexus Blitz Tier List, which includes all the champions you can play in the game mode. Remember that this tier list is based on our analysis and opinions and might differ from other players’ tier lists.


The S-Tier includes the champions that pack a significant punch, with high mobility, crowd control and burst damage, making them the best picks for winning the game.

  • Amumu
  • Anivia
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Brand
  • Kayle
  • Lux
  • Qiyana
  • Neeko
  • Taric
  • Vel’Koz

AmumuA tank champion who excels at crowd control with abilities that stun and root enemies, making them vulnerable to his allies’ attacks.
AniviaA mage champion who can control the battlefield with her wall and ultimate ability, which can damage and slow enemies. She also has the ability to revive herself upon death.
Aurelion SolA mage champion who excels at dealing massive area of effect damage with his ultimate ability and can also roam the map quickly using his passive ability.
BrandA mage champion who deals damage over time with his abilities and can stun enemies with his skillshots. He also has an ultimate ability that can bounce between enemies.
KayleA versatile champion who can play as both a mage and a marksman. She has the ability to deal damage and shield allies, and can become invulnerable for a short period of time.
LuxA mage champion who can deal long-range damage and snare enemies with her binding ability. She can also shield allies and reveal hidden enemies with her ultimate ability.
QiyanaAn assassin champion who can use the environment to her advantage, such as dashing through walls and knocking enemies into terrain. She can also root enemies and deal area of effect damage.
NeekoA mage champion who can disguise herself as an allied champion and has the ability to stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with her ultimate ability.
TaricA tank support champion who can heal allies and increase their armor. He also has the ability to stun enemies and become invulnerable for a short period of time.
Vel’KozA mage champion who deals true damage with his abilities and can slow enemies with his ultimate ability. He also has a passive ability that can reveal hidden enemies.


The A-Tier champions also pack a punch, but they require teamwork to be effective. With the right strategy, these champions can help you overcome any obstacles in the game.

  • Janna
  • Jax
  • Jinx
  • Galio
  • Maokai
  • Sivir
  • Sett
  • Sona
  • Ziggs
  • Zyra
  • Cassiopeia
  • Diana
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Graves
JannaA support champion who can shield allies, heal them, and knock up enemies with her abilities. She also has a passive ability that increases allies’ movement speed.
JaxA fighter champion who excels at dueling and split pushing. He can stun enemies with his counterstrike ability and deal massive damage with his ultimate ability.
JinxA marksman champion who can deal area of effect damage with her abilities and shred enemies’ armor with her passive ability. She can also increase her attack speed and range with her ultimate ability.
GalioA tank mage champion who can taunt enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also shield allies and become invulnerable for a short period of time with his ultimate ability.
MaokaiA tank champion who can root enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He also has the ability to heal himself and allies and become untargetable with his ultimate ability.
SivirA marksman champion who can deal damage to multiple enemies with her ricochet ability and increase allies’ movement speed with her ultimate ability. She can also block incoming projectiles with her spell shield.
SettA fighter champion who can deal massive damage with his punches and throws. He can also stun enemies with his ultimate ability and gain a shield based on the damage he deals.
SonaA support mage champion who can heal allies and increase their damage output with her auras. She can also stun enemies with her ultimate ability.
ZiggsA mage champion who can deal massive area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also knock enemies back and deal additional damage to structures with his ultimate ability.
ZyraA mage support champion who can deal damage over time with her plants and snare enemies with her root ability. She can also create a zone that slows and damages enemies with her ultimate ability.
CassiopeiaA mage champion who can deal massive damage over time with her poison abilities. She can also stun enemies and increase her movement speed with her ultimate ability.
DianaAn assassin fighter champion who can dash to enemies and deal massive damage with her abilities. She can also shield herself and pull enemies toward her with her ultimate ability.
FiddlesticksA mage jungle champion who can fear enemies and silence them with his abilities. He can also drain enemies’ health and become untargetable with his ultimate ability.
GravesA marksman jungle champion who can deal damage in a cone with his abilities and create smokescreens that obscure vision. He can also dash and reload his shotgun with his passive ability.


The B-Tier champions might not be as powerful, but they can still contribute to the team’s success. Mastering their skills can make a significant difference in the game.

  • Ahri
  • Alistar
  • Aphelios
  • Caitlyn
  • Cho’Gath
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Elise
  • Kassadin
  • Kindred
  • Kled
  • Lissandra
  • Lulu
  • Mordekaiser
  • Malhazar
  • Miss Fortune
  • Morgana
  • Oriana
  • Poppy
  • Rammus
  • Taliyah
  • Jhin
  • Karthus
  • Viktor
  • Vladimir
  • Xerath
AhriAn assassin mage champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage with her abilities. She can also charm enemies, making them vulnerable to attacks.
AlistarA tank support champion who can knock up enemies and heal allies with his abilities. He can also become temporarily immune to crowd control effects with his ultimate ability.
ApheliosA marksman champion who has access to five different weapons with unique abilities. He can deal damage over time and snare enemies with his abilities.
CaitlynA marksman champion who can deal long-range damage and trap enemies with her abilities. She can also reveal hidden enemies with her ultimate ability.
Cho’GathA tank mage champion who can silence enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also gain health and size with his ultimate ability.
Dr. MundoA tank champion who can heal himself and deal damage over time with his abilities. He can also become immune to crowd control effects with his ultimate ability.
EliseA mage jungle champion who can switch between human and spider form. In human form, she can stun enemies and deal damage, while in spider form, she can gain movement speed and deal area of effect damage.
KassadinAn assassin mage champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage with his abilities. He also has a passive ability that reduces magic damage taken.
KindredA marksman jungle champion who can mark enemies and deal additional damage to them. She can also create a zone that prevents enemies from dying with her ultimate ability.
KledA fighter champion who can charge at enemies and deal damage with his abilities. He can also gain a powerful mount that increases his movement speed and damage output.
LissandraA mage champion who can stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with her abilities. She can also become invulnerable for a short period of time with her ultimate ability.
LuluA support mage champion who can shield allies and polymorph enemies with her abilities. She can also increase allies’ attack speed and movement speed with her ultimate ability.
MordekaiserA fighter champion who can deal damage over time and shield himself with his abilities. He can also trap enemies in a realm and steal their stats with his ultimate ability.
MalhazarA mage champion who can deal damage over time and silence enemies with his abilities. He can also create a zone that deals damage and snares enemies with his ultimate ability.
Miss FortuneA marksman champion who can deal area of effect damage with her abilities and increase her attack speed with her passive ability. She can also slow enemies with her ultimate ability.
MorganaA mage support champion who can root enemies and shield allies with her abilities. She can also stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with her ultimate ability.
OriannaA mage champion who can shield allies and deal damage with her abilities. She can also command a ball that can slow enemies and deal area of effect damage with her ultimate ability.
PoppyA tank fighter champion who can knock enemies into walls and deal area of effect damage with her abilities. She can also become immune to crowd control effects with her passive ability.
RammusA tank jungle champion who can taunt enemies and gain movement speed with his abilities. He can also become immune to damage with his defensive ball curl ability.
TaliyahA mage jungle champion who can create walls and knock up enemies with her abilities. She can also create a zone that deals damage.
JhinA marksman champion in League of Legends who is obsessed with the art of killing. He relies on carefully placed shots and traps to outplay his enemies.
KarthusA mage champion in League of Legends who is known for his powerful abilities that can damage and disrupt the enemy team. He is also capable of dealing massive damage with his ultimate, which can hit all enemy champions across the map.
ViktorA mage champion in League of Legends who has the unique ability to upgrade one of his basic abilities. He is known for his high damage output and can control the battlefield with his abilities.
VladimirA mage champion in League of Legends who is also a vampire. He relies on draining the life force of his enemies to sustain himself and deal damage. He can also become untargetable and heal himself with his ultimate.
XerathA mage champion in League of Legends who excels at long-range attacks. He can deal massive damage from a safe distance and is capable of stunning his enemies with his abilities. He can also increase his range and damage output with his ultimate.


The C-Tier champions are slightly below average and require more effort to win the game. Choosing any of these champions will make the game more challenging, but winning with them is still possible.

  • Annie
  • Ashe
  • Azir
  • Camille
  • Corki
  • Darius
  • Draven
  • Ekko
  • Flora
  • Fizz
  • Garen
  • Rek’Sai
  • Rumble
  • Sejuani
  • Singed
  • Sion
  • Soraka
  • Swain
  • Syndra
  • Volibear
  • Wukong
  • Xin Zhao
  • Yasuo
  • Zilean
AnnieA mage champion who can stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with her abilities. She can also summon Tibbers, a powerful bear that can tank damage and deal damage to enemies.
AsheA marksman champion who can slow enemies and stun them with her abilities. She can also reveal hidden enemies with her hawkshot ability.
AzirA mage marksman champion who can summon sand soldiers and deal damage with his abilities. He can also dash to enemies and knock them up with his ultimate ability.
CamilleA fighter champion who can hookshot to enemies and deal damage with her abilities. She can also trap enemies in a zone and become invulnerable with her ultimate ability.
CorkiA marksman mage champion who can deal damage with his abilities and shred enemies’ armor with his passive ability. He can also fly over walls and terrain with his package ability.
DariusA fighter champion who can deal massive damage with his axe and pull enemies toward him with his grab ability. He can also gain health and attack damage with his ultimate ability.
DravenA marksman champion who can deal massive damage with his spinning axes and knock aside enemies with his abilities. He can also gain movement speed and attack damage with his passive ability.
EkkoAn assassin mage champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage with his abilities. He can also stun enemies and rewind time with his ultimate ability.
FloraA mage support champion who can heal allies and root enemies with her abilities. She can also gain movement speed and create a zone that prevents enemies from healing with her ultimate ability.
FizzAn assassin mage champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage over time with his abilities. He can also become untargetable with his playful trickster ability.
GarenA fighter champion who can spin to win and deal damage with his abilities. He can also gain movement speed and remove crowd control effects with his passive ability.
Rek’SaiA tank jungle champion who can burrow underground and move quickly. She can also knock up enemies and create tunnels with her abilities.
RumbleA mage champion who can deal area of effect damage with his abilities and slow enemies with his harpoon. He can also overheat and gain bonus damage with his passive ability.
SejuaniA tank jungle champion who can stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with her abilities. She can also create a zone that slows enemies and increases allies’ attack speed with her ultimate ability.
SingedA tank champion who can deal damage over time and leave a trail of poison behind him. He can also fling enemies behind him and gain movement speed with his ultimate ability.
SionA tank fighter champion who can charge at enemies and deal damage with his abilities. He can also gain health and size with his passive ability.
SorakaA support mage champion who can heal allies and silence enemies with her abilities. She can also reveal hidden enemies with her starcall ability.
SwainA mage champion who can root enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also transform into a demon and gain health with his ultimate ability.
SyndraA mage champion who can pick up and throw objects at enemies with her abilities. She can also stun enemies and deal massive area of effect damage with her ultimate ability.
VolibearA tank fighter champion who can stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also gain attack speed and movement speed with his ultimate
WukongA fighter champion who can clone himself and deal damage with his abilities. He can also gain movement speed and attack speed with his ultimate ability.
Xin ZhaoA fighter champion who can charge at enemies and deal damage with his abilities. He can also knock enemies up and gain attack speed with his ultimate ability.
YasuoA fighter assassin champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage with his abilities. He can also create a wall that blocks projectiles with his windwall ability.
ZileanA support mage champion who can increase allies’ movement speed and revive dead allies with his abilities. He can also slow enemies and stun them with his time bombs.


The D-Tier champions are the weakest in the Nexus Blitz Tier List. Although some have impressive abilities, their overall stats and performance are not worth the risk.

  • Gnar
  • Gragas
  • Irelia
  • Jarvan IV
  • Jayce
  • Kai’Sa
  • Kalista
  • Karma
  • Katarina
  • Kayn
  • Kennen
  • Lucian
  • Malphite
  • Master Yi
  • Nunu
  • Olaf
  • Rakan
  • Renekton
  • Riven
  • Shen
  • Teemo
  • Thresh
  • Twisted Fate
  • Twitch
  • Urgot
GnarA fighter champion who can transform into a massive beast and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also stun enemies and gain movement speed with his hop ability.
GragasA mage tank champion who can knock enemies back and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also drink beer and gain health with his passive ability.
IreliaA fighter assassin champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage with her abilities. She can also stun enemies and gain movement speed with her ultimate ability.
Jarvan IVA tank fighter champion who can knock up enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also create a zone that traps enemies with his ultimate ability.
JayceA fighter marksman champion who can switch between ranged and melee forms. He can deal damage with his abilities and knock enemies back with his hammer.
Kai’SaA marksman assassin champion who can deal damage with her abilities and gain a shield with her passive ability. She can also dash to enemies and gain invisibility with her ultimate ability.
KalistaA marksman champion who can deal damage with her spears and pull enemies toward her with her ultimate ability. She can also hop and gain bonus attack speed with her passive ability.
KarmaA mage support champion who can shield allies and deal damage with her abilities. She can also root enemies and increase allies’ movement speed with her ultimate ability.
KatarinaAn assassin champion who can dash to enemies and deal massive area of effect damage with her abilities. She can also reset her abilities upon scoring a kill or assist with her passive ability.
KaynAn assassin fighter champion who can dash through walls and deal damage with his abilities. He can also transform into a shadow assassin or a darkin with his ultimate ability.
KennenA mage marksman champion who can stun enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also gain movement speed and attack speed with his passive ability.
LucianA marksman champion who can deal damage with his abilities and shoot two shots with his passive ability. He can also dash and gain movement speed with his relic burst ability.
MalphiteA tank champion who can knock up enemies and deal area of effect damage with his abilities. He can also gain armor and attack damage with his passive ability.
Master YiA fighter champion who can deal massive damage with his attacks and reduce his cooldowns with his passive ability. He can also become untargetable with his alpha strike ability.
NunuA tank support champion who can consume minions and monsters to gain health and mana. He can also slow enemies and increase allies’ movement speed with his abilities.
OlafA fighter champion who can deal damage and gain attack speed with his abilities. He can also become immune to crowd control effects with his ultimate ability.
RakanA support champion who can dash to allies and enemies and knock them up with his abilities. He can also charm enemies and become untargetable with his ultimate ability.
RenektonA fighter champion who can deal damage and stun enemies with his abilities. He can also gain health and fury with his passive ability.
RivenA fighter assassin champion who can dash to enemies and deal damage with her abilities. She can also stun enemies and become temporarily invulnerable with her ultimate ability.
ShenA tank fighter champion who can dash to allies and shield them with his abilities. He can also taunt enemies and become immune to damage with his ultimate
TeemoA marksman champion who can deal damage with his basic attacks and poison enemies with his abilities. He can also become invisible and gain movement speed with his passive ability.
ThreshA support champion who can hook enemies and pull them toward him with his abilities. He can also shield allies and pull allies toward him with his lantern ability.
Twisted FateA mage marksman champion who can deal damage with his abilities and reveal enemies with his ultimate ability. He can also draw a card that can stun enemies with his pick a card ability.
TwitchA marksman assassin champion who can deal massive damage with his basic attacks and poison enemies with his abilities. He can also become invisible and gain movement speed with his ambush ability.
UrgotA marksman fighter champion who can deal damage and slow enemies with his abilities. He can also pull enemies toward him and become immune to crowd control effects with his ultimate ability.

Nexus Blitz Events and Rewards

Besides ranking the champions, Nexus Blitz includes various events and rewards that can help you win the game. These events occur every three minutes, making the game more challenging and exciting.

Nexus Blitz Events

Here are some of the events you can expect in Nexus Blitz:

Bardle Royale (Classic)

This event pits two teams against each other, fighting for survival inside a battle royal circle. Those who remain outside the circle will burn to death.

Bardle Royale (Paranoia)

In this event, every player gets a nearsighted debuff that limits their vision to only what’s nearby. The teams will then fight for survival, like the Bardle Royale Classic.

Bardle Royale (Juggernaut)

Another version of the Bardle Royale, but this time, a random champion gains a massive amount of health and the On Fire! Buff at the start of the event.

URF Deathmatch

A deathmatch where every player has URF cooldown. To win this event, one team must defeat the other twice.

Loot Teemo

A Loot Teemo spawns randomly on the map, and hitting it grants gold. The last team to hit Teemo wins the event.

Loot Veigar

A Loot Veigar spawns randomly on the map, using Dark Matter and Event Horizon to fight back players. The last team to hit Veigar wins the event.

Push the Cart (Classic)

A cart spawns on the map, which players can use to barge against their opponent’s structure.

Push the Cart (Attack/Defend)

Both teams have a cart that they can use to destroy each other’s structure. The first team to destroy the other’s structure wins.

Prize Fight

Both teams will fight at the center of the map in either a 1v1 or 2v2 match.

King of the Hill

A particular map area becomes “the hill,” and the team that holds the position for a time wins.

Scuttle Racing

Both teams will have Rift Scuttlers, which they will use to race down a track from the top to the bottom lane.

Protect the Soraka (New)

Both teams will have a Soraka bot that they have to secure. The team that will destroy the other’s Soraka will win.

DPS Check (New)

Each team has to outdo their opponent’s damage on the Teemo dummy.

Each event grants the winning team a temporary or permanent buff that can significantly affect the game’s outcome.

Nexus Blitz Rewards

Here are some of the rewards you can expect in Nexus Blitz:

Catapult of Champions

A permanent buff with a cannon near the team’s fountain. It deals damage and launches champions anywhere on the map.

Blessing of Blitzcrank

A permanent buff that allows allied turrets, cannons, and super minions to Rocket Grab nearby enemies.

Poro King

The Poro King spawns and aids your team by breathing fire on enemies and healing nearby allies occasionally.

Battle Sled

With the sled, champions can go anywhere on the map.

Guardian Angels

For 90 seconds, everyone will get a Guardian Angel effect.

Statikk Shock

For three minutes, every basic attack is matched with lightning zaps.

B.F. Shields

Every member of the team is equipped with a hefty and robust shield.

Cloud Soul

The team gets a massive out-of-combat movement speed and CDR on their ultimate for three minutes.

Ocean Soul

For three minutes, health and mana are restored.

Elder Dragon (New)

You can execute champions under a certain H.P. threshold using the Big Dragon.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Nexus Blitz is an experimental game mode that offers a unique and exciting experience for League of Legends players. This mode allows players to showcase their skills and strategize with their teammates to win the game.

The Nexus Blitz Tier List shows that some champions have more power and potential than others. The S-Tier champions, such as Amumu, Kayle, and Lux, offer an all-around power guaranteeing a devastating win. The A-Tier champions, including Janna, Jinx, and Galio, also pack a punch compared to the previous champions, and they will let you surpass any hurdle within the match.

The events and rewards in Nexus Blitz make the game even more challenging and exciting. Each event grants the winning team a temporary or permanent buff that can significantly affect the game’s outcome. The rewards, such as the Catapult of Champions and the Poro King, can help your team gain a significant advantage over your opponents.

In summary, Nexus Blitz is a fun and challenging game mode that every League of Legends player should try. With the ranking of the champions and the events and rewards in this article, you can start strategizing with your teammates to win the game. Remember, it’s most important to enjoy and have fun while playing.

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